Tuesday, September 8, 2015


disclaimer: This post contains referral links.

Good afternoon!!!  I'm here on Tuesday to link up with Becky over at Choose Happy for her Currently post better a day late then never :)


Cheering--- for the Wolfpack.  Our home opener was this weekend and we had a blast. All the boys were very excited for the game.

Amused--- at the poses and places that C can sleep.  If you've followed me awhile or follow me on IG then you know that C loves to sleep in random poses and places.  While not an overly odd place he was sitting there playing is Ipad one minute and the next he was out.  So cute. #Ilovesleepingkidpics

Excited--- for C. We went to the pool for a couple hours yesterday for the Labor Day Party and they had the kids break out into age groups for games. One of the games was to collect coins on the bottom of the pool.  Cs was in the kiddie area so only about a ft deep and he could just reach down.  The leader said they could keep the money so make sure to look for silver money and that is what he did. He racked up a whopping $4.16.  Woohoo  He was so excited.  His little hands were full. #bestpoolgameever

Sad--- that this is Cs last year in preschool and next year my little man will be in kindergarten. :(  It is so sad to see them grow up so fast and I will miss all the teachers and leaders at his preschool.  We've been there for 5 years now and it will feel weird to not be going there everyday.

Happy--- C had a great day on his first day and he gave preschool and his yummy lunch a thumbs up.

Working--- with C back in school and my mornings a little more free I am planning to really get into working more in the mornings. I spent this morning doing Disney work and updating my planner.  This is a huge thing for me and I really need to keep the planner up to date.  I'm also trying to decide which one I want for next year.  I'm thinking Erin Condren horizontal? What do you think?  Oh speaking of Disney work I ordered the cutest notebook from Shutterfly last night.  Did you know they have some Disney options?  I didn't but while I was placing my order I saw them and I was so happy. they are so stinking cute.

No big plans here this week.  Both boys have school so we will be doing that and then just hanging out.  I'm hoping for good weather so they can play outside some when they are home. They love going outside. How is your week looking?

Have a Magical Week,

disclaimer: This post contains referral links.

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