Monday, October 19, 2015


Good afternoon!!!  Back for my weekly recap and link up with Becky over at Choose Happy for her Currently post :)


Decorating--- for Halloween.  We started putting the decorations out this weekend and the first up is out fence.  Yes we put up a faux fence. :)

Smiling--- at C. He is a hoot and while we are taking our walks he had to pose on the picture wall.  He is my superhero.

Freezing--- I spent a day down at my dad's yesterday and when we got home last night it was only 69° in my house. Brrr that is way to cold for NC in Oct. LOL so I of course turned on the fire. I will not turn the heat on yet since we are still going to be in the 70s later this week.  #crazyweather

Watching--- the boys paint cookies. At my dad's my stepmom had cookies ready for he boys to paint.  They always do this at Christmas so they were excited to do some Halloween themed ones.

So that is my recap for the week.  N tracks out later this week so he will be in more pictures coming up :)  He always says he isn't in enough pictures so be ready for the onslaught. LOL

Have a great week and stay warm,


  1. Let see if this works, it doesn't like my comments!!!


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