Wednesday, February 19, 2014

What I Love Wednesday

Hmm well I'm going to have to work on that title box but it will work for today. I've seen lots of people do a post like this on Wednesday and thought I would do one of my own.

This week I'm loving...

Veronica Mars.  When Emily was here for the snow days last week I discovered she had not watched them yet so we settled in and got through about half of season one.  Now every time I sit down I just want to keep watching more episodes. I can't wait for the movie to come out in March. Just in time for my birthday. :)

Ns school project. They have been talking about progression and in that how they were babies and now they are in school etc.  He took in some baby pictures and baby clothes back before the snow and this project was basically a scrapbook of When I was ___ I ___. He had a blast looking at old pictures and picking which ones he wanted to use and talk about in class and then I let him have free reign of my stickers. I will not let the sticker use get to me ;) I think he did a great job and he did it mostly himself which is great.

C. He is such a silly boy and is at such a great fun stage.  This was a picture from his Valentines Day party at school yesterday. He wanted to take pictures of us when we finished out reading center.  He can be such a hoot.

M says I'm addicted and I may just be. I really can't go a day without using this at least once a day. I do mix in some of my others but this is my go to and I always have it with me.

So that is it for today. What are you loving today? I kindof like this post so I may need to work it into my rotation.


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